About Us

Human Rights Platform - About Us

The Human Rights Platform fights for an egalitarian, just, democratic and inclusive world where universal human rights and freedoms are accessible and secure for everyone, protected, and constantly improved through effective mechanisms.

What is the Human Rights Platform?

The Human Rights Platform is a platform established in 2021 as a result of the joint efforts of Queer Cyprus Association, Refugee Rights Association, Civil Society Initiative, Turkish Cypriot Human Rights Foundation, and Universal Patient Rights Association. Today, it continues its activities with the power of seven organizations with the participation of the Human Rights Platform, the Third Community Forum and the Think Positive Initiative.


Human Rights Platform, sets an objective to ‘contribute to developing a more just, equitable, democratic, and inclusive society where human rights are not only respected but cherished’. Fort his purpose the Human Rights Platform Project was launched in October 2021. Human Rights Platform Project is funded by the European Union and implemented by the Human Rights Platform Association.


In which areas does HRP operate?

The Human Rights Platform, which is formed with the participation of seven organizations operating in different thematic areas based on Human Rights, carries out a joint struggle under the titles of "Monitoring, Reporting and Advocacy", "Empowering Subjects", "Information, Awareness and Capacity Building" and "Developing Collaborations and Partnerships".


The missions of the platform can be explained in detail as follows:


Monitoring, Reporting, and Advocacy: It monitors, reports, and makes visible the implementation of human rights and freedoms, violations of rights, and advocates at local, regional, and international levels for the fulfillment of obligations.


Empowering Subjects: Supports individuals and groups whose rights and freedoms are violated, who are or have the potential to be discriminated against; encourages and supports their self-advocacy.


Increasing Knowledge, Awareness, and Capacity: Follows human rights standards, developments, and discussions in the field, makes them visible, increases knowledge and awareness; It strengthens the capacities of key actors such as decision makers, public institutions, civil society, media, and academia on human rights, democracy, and rights-based issues.


Developing Collaborations and Partnerships: Establishes, facilitates, and supports a common agenda, learning from each other and solidarity with rights-based organizations working in different areas of human rights and freedoms; establishes and encourages collaborations and partnerships at international, regional, and local levels.


Mission definitions detailed by the joint work of the organizations in the platform, are supported by the values ​​and principles agreed upon by the members of the platform, and all work is carried out by considering these principles. Our Principles are “Peaceful”, “Anti-militarist”, “Anti-capitalist”, “Anti-hierarchical”, “Feminist”, “Transparent and Accountable”, “Intersectional”, “Democracy and Polyphony”, “Multidisciplinary”, “Do No Harm”, “Autonomy – Independence”, “Anti-Discrimination”, “Anti-Racism and Xenophobia”, “Ethics”, “Ecologist”, “Non-Cis-heterosexist”, “Inclusive”, “Commitment to Universal Human Rights Principles” ”, “Accessible”, “Rights-Based Approach”.     

You can find all the activities that the Human Rights Platform will carry out within the scope of the platform, including the Human Rights Platform Project, from the events and resources tabs on this website. Thus, you can view the upcoming events of the platform and platform organizations via the calendar tab.