LGBTİ+’lara Yönelik Nefret Söylemlerinin Etkin Soruşturulması Talebiyle Açılan Dava Geçtiğimiz Hafta Görülmeye Başladı
Savcılık, özellikle sosyal medya üzerinden yapılan çok sayıda yorumun uzmanlarca nefret söylemi olarak tespit edildiğini, ancak söz konusu kişilerin kimliklerine ulaşma amacıyla polisin Bilgi Teknolojileri ve Haberleşme Kurumu’na (BTHK) yazdığı bilgi talebinin olumsuz yanıtlandığını aktardı.
Avrupa Birliği tarafından Kıbrıs Türk toplumuna yönelik AB Yardım Programı kapsamında finanse edilen ve İnsan Hakları Platformu tarafından yürütülen İnsan Hakları Platformu Projesi kapsamındaki Değişen Dünyada İnsan Hakları Konferansı katılımcıların yoğun ilgisiyle başarıyla gerçekleşti.Bu yıl Mağusa’da düzenlenen konferans, Değişen Dünyada Demokrasi, Değişen Dünyada Uluslararası Hukuk ve Değişen Dünyada Kıbrıs başlıklı üç panelde katılımcılarıyla buluştu.
Anti-trafficking thematic area covers the increasing phenomenon of human trafficking, which involves serious exploitation of the people. The northern part of Cyprus remains as a zone of impunity in regards to human trafficking. The lack of comprehensive legal framework for the protection of the victims and prevention of human trafficking results in systematic rights violations. Anti-trafficking Program aims to address the rights violations faced by the victims and work for a coordinated response to human trafficking.
LGBTI+ Rights
In the northern part of Cyprus, the struggle for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex and plus (LGBTI+) rights has been going on for many years. Although the organized struggle, which was mobilized with the establishment of the Initiative Against Homophobia and later on as the Queer Cyprus Association, provided various rights gains, today LGBTI+s are discriminated against in education, health, law, employment, housing and many other areas. LGBTI+ rights are human rights, and the Human Rights Platform works in this area and carries out many advocacy activities, primarily monitoring and reporting, to reduce human rights violations.
Democratic Participation in Decision Making
The three fundamental areas of freedom, known as the Democratic Rights, are the Right of Association, the Right to Peaceful Assembly, and the Right to Freedom of Expression, which are key to the development, dignity, self-fulfillment and truth-seeking of individuals in society and are a fundamental prerequisite for effective democracy and good governance. In order to be able to talk about a democratic society, individuals and organizations in the society must be able to freely exercise each of these rights, which are directly related to each other. In the northern part of Cyprus, there are legal and practical problems before the effective exercise of these rights, and this hinders the active participation of civil society in decision-making mechanisms. Within the framework of the democratic rights program, there are monitoring, reporting and advocacy activities in these areas, as well as awareness raising and capacity building activities for civil society.
Refugee Rights
The non-refoulement and non-penalization principles set out under the international standards are not being respected in the northern part of Cyprus. Hence, refugees and asylum seekers face the risk of deportation to the country where there is a substantial risk that they would face persecution, torture, illtreatment or other serious human rights violations. Besides, they are detained and penalised due their irregular arrival and presence in the territory. The Refugee Rights Program shall address the rights violations faced by refugees and asylum seekers and will conduct advocacy for the promotion of refugee rights.
Detention Conditions and Freedom from Torture
The physical structure of prisons, police cells, psychiatric hospitals, quarantine centers and similar places of detention in the northern part of Cyprus does not comply with international human rights standards. Human rights violations arising from inappropriate standards mentioned under this thematic area will be monitored and reported. In addition, under this thematic area, studies will be carried out to prevent inhuman or degrading treatment, and those in need who have experienced rights violations.