
Hakkımızda Podcast

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Platform Hotline

If you have questions regarding any of the five thematic areas covered by the Human Rights Platform Project, please call the Hotline.


InPeace Project

InPeace: Inclusive Peacebuilding Project is a research project which is funded by the European Union under the Aid Programme for the Turkish Cypriot community and implemented by ICLAIM (Interdisciplinary Centre for Law, Alternative and Innovative Methods) and HRP (Human Rights Platform).

Platform Hotline
InPeace Newsletter #2 is out

These Rights Belong to All of Us

Hakkımızda Podcast

All episodes of the Hakkımızda Podcast are streaming on our Youtube channel. 

Click here to listen


Inpeace Project


Anti-trafficking thematic area covers the increasing phenomenon of human trafficking, which involves serious exploitation of the people. The northern part of Cyprus remains as a zone of impunity in regards to human trafficking. The lack of comprehensive legal framework for the protection of the victims and prevention of human trafficking results in systematic rights violations. Anti-trafficking Program aims to address the rights violations faced by the victims and work for a coordinated response to human trafficking.