Detention and Freedom from Torture Working Group

Detention and Freedom from Torture Working Group

Detention and Freedom from Torture Working Group
Detention and Freedom from Torture Working Group

This joint working group is being established to unite efforts against torture and enhance the current conditions of detention in various facilities, including police cells, central prisons, 'ports' detention rooms, quarantine centers, and mental health facilities. The working group comprises the Universal Patients' Rights Association, the Turkish Cypriot Medical Association, the Turkish Cypriot Psychologists Association, the Turkish Cypriot Human Rights Foundation, the Turkish Cypriot Bar Association, and local bodies responsible for internal affairs and health.

This collaborative working group will focus on developing draft policy proposals and legal recommendations to improve existing local legal frameworks. Additionally, it will serve as an advocacy force, working to raise awareness and lobby for positive changes in the treatment of detainees and conditions in the mentioned facilities.